Grape and Wild Blueberry

Vitis vinifera and Vaccinium angustifolium
Brand name: Memophenol™

A unique and synergistic blend of bioavailable French grapes and wild Canadian blueberries providing a potent source of polyphenols, scientifically proven to support cognition, promoting learning and improving both working and long-term memory.


France and Canada


  • Memory Loss
  • Brain Fog
  • Inflammation
  • Cognitive Decline


Improves circulation to the brain Supports both working memory and long-term memory Provides neuroprotective benefits Polyphenols support optimal brain health

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A unique and synergistic blend of bioavailable French grapes and wild Canadian blueberries (Memophenol™) providing a potent source of polyphenols, scientifically proven to support cognition. French champagne grapes contain up to 5 x the monomers of other grape species. These monomers are smaller polyphenols that can be readily absorbed by the di...
A unique and synergistic blend of bioavailable French grapes and wild Canadian blueberries (Memophenol™) providing a potent source of polyphenols, scientifically proven to support cognition. French champagne grapes contain up to 5 x the monomers of other grape species. These monomers are smaller polyphenols that can be readily absorbed by the digestive system. Wild Canadian blueberries contain active molecules that are complimentary to those in French grapes to further reinforce their efficacy. Memophenol™ improves multiple cognitive functions including promoting learning, supporting working memory and improving long-term memory.

Polyphenols are naturally occurring phytochemicals which are present in high amounts in brightly coloured fruits and vegetables. Polyphenols are often considered similar to antioxidants, however their mode of action is different. They demonstrate neuroprotective qualities through their ability to protect neurons against injury induced by neurotoxins, the ability to suppress neuroinflammation, and the potential to support nootropic benefits such as improving memory, learning and cognitive function.

Grapes and blueberries have been studied for their unique cognitive benefits and Memophenol™ combines them in a unique and potent essential polyphenol ratio for superior neuroprotection. A double blinded randomised controlled trial in students taking one 600mg dose under exam conditions found that in a little as 90 minutes post supplementation, participants felt cognitive improvements, including improvements in accuracy, working memory and attention. Another study in seniors also using a 600mg dose of Memophenol™ demonstrated a significant improvement in short-term memory and furthermore the ability to revert cognitive age by up to a decade.

Consumption of grapes has been shown to improve cerebral metabolism which in turn improved attention and working memory performances and had a protective effect in individuals experiencing mild cognitive decline. Furthermore twice-daily consumption of grapes for one year by subjects with mild decline in cognition was associated with a significant protective change in the regions in the brain, which are known to functionally decline in the early stages of neurodegenerative processes that can lead to dementia. After 12 weeks of blueberry consumption, greater brain activity was detected using magnetic resonance imaging in healthy older adults during a cognitive challenge. The detection was associated with enhanced blow flow/circulation in regions supporting cognitive function, but also applies to adults of all ages.

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