This Way Forward - B Corp Month 2024
03.01.2024B Corp is a certification that acknowledges every aspect of how we operate as a business; from how we treat our team, to our social and environmental performance, ensuring that the impact we have on our community and our governance are of the highest standard.
March is B Corp Month, and as a B Corp Certified business, we want to celebrate and share the significance of this certification. Being a B Corp seamlessly aligns with our core values at Two Islands. We have always been committed to creating products that are not only good for you but also good for the planet, and we will continue to do so into the future.
This never-ending pursuit improvement is embodied in this year’s B Corp Month theme, 'This Way Forward', providing a great opportunity to highlight our commitment to making a positive impact in 2024 and beyond.
Only verified suppliers
We verify every supplier (existing and new), partnering exclusively with those who share our values and mission for good, while also ensuring the highest standards in ingredients, packaging and services.
Locally sourced packaging
We have moved to using only local suppliers when it comes to our packaging labels, cartons and tubs to reduce environmental impact and support local suppliers.
Sustainable options available
We are actively working towards offering a refill option for every product as a more sustainable option by encouraging the re-use of our jars and tubs, and minimising packaging waste.
Organic ingredients where possible
We will continue to search for sustainable and organic ingredients to use in our products as our preferred source where possible.
Community and charity involvement
We will further deepen our community involvement by establishing long-term partnerships with charitable organisations through financial donation as well as volunteering our time as a team.
Explore our B Corp profile here.